Monthly Archives: April 2022

One day like this

Whatever the realities of the physical universe, the Earth rotating in twenty-four hours, the orbit of the sun taking three hundred and sixty five and a quarter days, time in the way which we experience it is not linear, it … Continue reading

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Old music

It being the last day of term, Fifth Year students were listening to music. After a number of songs, there came the realisation that the music being played was not the music of their youth, it was the music of … Continue reading

Posted in The stuff of daily life | 5 Comments

A new tax year

Only in recent years did I discover why the tax year began on 6th April. Because we were always a sceptical race, suspicious of innovation and resentful about change, it took the England one hundred and seventy years to accept … Continue reading

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Bowed memories

Spending the afternoon with my son helping to pack away boxes of stuff, I wondered what had become of the bow. Is it still hanging somewhere, a memento of lost times? It was the summer of 1999 that we rented … Continue reading

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Suppers foregone

The bedtime drink is now a mug of milk heated in the microwave. Once it would have been hot chocolate, then there came a realisation of how many calories there were in hot chocolate (it was in a branch of … Continue reading

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