Category Archives: This sceptred isle

Our late member

Were I not resident in Ireland, I might be a prime target for Tory canvassers.  A Financial Times subscriber who teaches in a private girls’ school and who paid for the public school education of his own children, I should be … Continue reading

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In memoriam: Private Henry Lines

‘Their name liveth for evermore’. It was Rudyard Kipling’s idea to put words from the Hewbrew Scriptures’ book of Ecclesiasticus on the Stone of Remembrance in each war cemetery.  Kipling similarly composed the lines, ‘A Soldier of the Great War. … Continue reading

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Two smoking barrels

Darkness had fallen around the isolated farmhouse and the young single woman who lived there felt a sense of menace. Already there had been a prowler and the headlights she saw stopped outside created a growing sense of anxiety. When … Continue reading

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What is Philip Schofield?

Living in Ireland most of my life, I seem to have missed out on the elevation of Philip Schofield to being a person of national importance in England. My memories of him are him being with a glove puppet, called, … Continue reading

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Cost the Earth Day

Earth Day? More like Cost the Earth Day. It’s about taxes and more taxes. If I drove around the country in a Toyota Hiace van that had a broken back light, and leaked oil so much that pressing on the … Continue reading

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